Recents in Beach

General Principal and process of Isolation

General Principal and process of Isolation
 Elements occur in nature on the basis of their reactivity in two-state

  1. Free State (Native state)
  2. Combined State (Compound state )
The elements which are not attacked by moisture, oxygen, and CO2 of air called a free state(native state) e.g. C, S, Gold, Pt, noble gases, etc.

The elements which are readily attacked by moisture, oxygen, and CO2 of air called a combined state (compound state).they are found in the form of minerals.

Minerals: The naturally occurring chemicals substances in the form of which metal occurs in the earth along with impurities are called minerals.

Ore: The mineral from which the metals are extracted for conveniently and economically are called as Ore.
Thus, all the ores are minerals but all the minerals are not ores.

Atmosphere: It is the gaseous mixture that surrounds the earth. the main gases present in the atmosphere are nitrogen (78.09%) and oxygen (20.95%). other gases present in small amounts are CO2, Helium, Neon, Argon, etc.

Hydrosphere: it is the liquid-phase of the earth in the form of sea, ponds, ocean, river, and lakes. seawater is a source of large no. of elements present in the form of salts.

Lithosphere: it is the solid-phase of the earth which consists of different types of rocks, soils in which most of the elements are present in the form of minerals.

Minerals of some important metals

Combined state                     Elements                         Name of Minerals

Oxides                                    Fe                                     Haematile(Fe2O3), Magnetite (Fe2O3FeO)
                                                Al                                     Bauxite  (Al2O3.2H2O)
                                                Mn                                    Pyrolusite (MnO2)

Carbonates                            Ca                                     Calcite (CaCO3)
                                                Mg                                    Uolomite (CaCo3,MgCo3)
                                                Cu                                      Melachite [(CuCO3.Cu(OH)2]
                                                Zn                                      Xalamine (ZnCO3)

Silicates                                  Mg, Si                            Calcium magnesium silicat (CaSiO,MgSiO3)
                                                Al, Si                                 Al2O3.SiO2,2H2O (china clay)

Sulphide                                 Fe                                       Iron pyrites (FeS2)
                                               Cu, Fe                                 Iron copper pyrites (CuS.Fe)
                                               Cu                                       Copper pyrites (CuS2)
                                               Mercury                              Cinnabar (HgS)
                                               Zn                                        Zinc Sulphide (ZnS)
                                               Pb                                        Lead sulphide (Pbs)

Halide                                   Na                                        Comman salt (NaCl)
                                              Al                                         Cryolite (Kcl,MgCl2,6H2O)

Sulphates                              Ba                                        Baytes (BaSo4)
                                              Ca                                         Gypsum (CaSo4.2H2O)

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